What we represent,


Greater Accountability of State Leaders

A axiom for the Muskogee Governance Project (MGP) is complete accountability at all levels of local government. State, County and local government best functions in a accountable and transparent environment. MGP will always advocate for agencies that regulate elected officials at both the State and Local Government.


Expanding Local Autonomy

The Muskogee Governance Project recognizes the need for proactive and robust local government. MGP seeks to reform city governance on the state level, giving City Councils and citizens access to more autonomy.


Respecting Tribal Sovereignty

The Muskogee Governance Project stands steadfast with Oklahoma’s Tribal Nations in their fight for sovereignty. MGP believes the U.S. Supreme Court Decision McGirt vs Oklahoma is a win for both Oklahomans and the Tribal Nations.

What is the Muskogee Governance Project?

Get in Touch


7301 W 33rd St S, Muskogee OK 74401 (mail only)



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The Muskogee-Gov Project is not a registered 501(C)(4) not for profit corporation. For more information on our incorporation status: Click here

The Muskogee-Gov Project does not accept or solicit private donations.