Incorporation Timeline

Status of The Muskogee-Gov Project,

Due to budgetary constraints, we have not incorporated into a 501(C)(4) Non-Profit Corporation. The Project’s number one goal is to obtain that status to help move forward in our mission. Because of our tax status we cannot accept donations or volunteers at this time.

For those wanting to support us, the best way todo so would be subscribing to our newswire and to visit the MuskogeeWeb Government Wiki.

Incorporation Timeline

 Mid – May 2023 – Letters of intention sent out to Board candidates
 June 2023 –  Formation of Board of Directors | Creation of Articles of Incorporation
 July 2023 – Creation of Bylaws

Estimated Incorporation date October of 2023

Thank you to everyone who has supported us to this point. Your support helps us support our community. 


Get in Touch


7301 W 33rd St S, Muskogee OK 74401 (mail only)


Follow Us

The Muskogee-Gov Project is not a registered 501(C)(4) not for profit corporation. For more information on our incorporation status: Click here

The Muskogee-Gov Project does not accept or solicit private donations.